Subscribing for data bundles on Pockit plans

If you are a Pockit plan customer and would like to benefit from the Pockit Pass Bundles, you need to subscribe by sending an SMS on 16860 with the text Pass S, Pass M or Pass L or via MyMelita. (Until the change is confirmed via SMS notification, default rates apply).

The above needs to be done if the previous bundle has expired and there is not enough credit for the bundle to renew. If credit is available on recurrence day (28 days from bundle activation) the bundle will renew and the remaining benefits (minutes/SMS & Data) from the last bundle will be lost and not carried forward. If the bundle is not renewed default rates apply on any further usage.

To opt out of the data bundle renewal, send an SMS on 16852 with the text STOP. Once this SMS is sent, it means that further occurrences will be prevented, but the last bundle will not be removed and current counters can be used until they expire.