Call diverts

Transfer your call from one mobile number to any other number. This will ensure that if the caller does not reach you on the first number, the call will be transferred to your selected 2nd number.

Simply dial the number written below.

Call Diverts
All Calls*21*+356number#
When there is no answer*61*+356number#
When it is unreachable*62*+356number#
When busy*67*+356number#
Missed call notification*21*35677121123#
Voice Mail*21*35677121121#

To cancel a previously set divert on your mobile.

Cancel Diverts
All diverts##002#
If not answered#61#
If unreachable#62#
If busy#67#

Whilst roaming, the settings might not work. You would need to set the call forwarding manually from your mobile handset settings.