The 800 smart iBiNs installed by the GreenPak Cooperative Society across Malta and Gozo are generating 36 per cent more recyclable waste thanks to efficiencies generated through monitoring the waste level of each iBiN using Internet of Things (IoT) technology. The data from each bin is relayed over the Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) network provided by Melita Business, enabling GreenPak to customise collection routes in the localities it serves across Malta and Gozo.
Through the use of IoT technology, GreenPak is given the means to continuously check waste levels inside the iBiNs. This results in the ability for GreenPak to customise its collection routes and has in turn resulted in a 20 per cent reduction in the number of trips undertaken by GreenPak’s vehicles, since trips are only made to bins which need emptying. Over and above cost savings, this solution also has a positive impact on the environment, saving approximately 20,000 litres of fuel, which is equivalent to reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 4,000 tonnes.
Ing. Mario Schembri, CEO at GreenPak Cooperative Society Ltd, said, “Ever since its inception in 2004, GreenPak has been a pioneer, helping businesses meet their legal obligations to recover and recycle waste. By switching to Melita Business for our iBiNs we were able to benefit from the improved coverage and reliability provided by their NB-IoT network. On top of that, the melita.io portal allows us to manage the hundreds of SIMs installed in the iBiNs, so that we continually improve the service we deliver to our members and the public at large.”
Kenneth Spiteri, Director of Business Innovation at Melita Limited, explained, “GreenPak demonstrate the significant benefits organisations, their customers and – importantly – our environment, can get from IoT. At Melita Business we work with an ecosystem of partners, offering IoT solutions and connectivity to drive growth and make better use of resources.”
Malcolm Briffa, Director of Business Services at Melita Limited added, “Under melita.io we have developed an international IoT strategy, offering a holistic approach to IoT with our easy-to-use portal and a choice of connectivity via cellular or LoRaWAN (long range wide area network) technology. Although we have clients across Europe, it is truly exciting to see such impressive results from GreenPak in our home market.”