Action, Cartoon/animation/puppetry, Adventure
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is an American animated television series, mainly set in New York City. It first aired on February 8, 2003 and ended on February 28, 2009. The series marked the revival of the franchise as a Saturday morning cartoon on Fox's Fox Box programming block The TMNT 2003 TV series was produced by 4Kids Entertainment, and Mirage Studios, which each owned half of the rights to the show, and animated by Dong Woo Animation. Reruns ran on Cartoon Network's Miguzi block in 2004. The series migrated to The CW4Kids in its final season after 4Kids's contract with Fox ended. Nickelodeon now owns the rights to this and any future Turtles series.
Ciro Nieli
Greg Cipes, Hoon Lee, Mae Whitman, Rob Paulsen, Sean Astin
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